New Student Accessibility Request Form

* indicates a required field

Student Information

The Office of Accommodative  Services (OAS) reviews and coordinates accommodations to ensure equal access to the College’s programs, services, and facilities for students with permanent and temporary disabilities. 

This is one of the first steps in applying for Accommodations at SUNY Potsdam. Please answer all of the following to the best of your ability.

Please use your SUNY Potsdam ID Number (P#). Your ID number begins with P00 or P01
Please use your university issued email address
Transfer Student
Campus Location
Please identify which campus you are taking course through
{"display_name":"How did you hear about us and our services? (select all that apply)","hidden_field_name":"ms_field_1","init_id":"ms_field_1","init_link":"","has_autocomplete":false,"has_hierpicklist":null}

Specific Accommodation Information

Why are you contacting Accommodative Services?
Are you requesting academic accommodations?
Are you requesting physical campus access accommodations?
Are you requesting housing accommodations such as a Medical Single or Emotional Support Animal?
Have you had accommodations approved in high school Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan and/or by another college?
Do you plan on requesting alternative format textbooks?

Alternative format textbooks are books in a format other than standard print. (E.g. large print, braille, electronic version, etc.)

Do you work with any of the following agency’s?


Accommodative Services will consider all documentation submitted. Documentation will assist in understanding how the disability impacts the student in an academic setting and the current impact of the disability as it relates to the accommodations requested. Reviewing documentation is a collaborative process and is handled on a case-to-case basis. Once documentation is received, it will be reviewed in order of receipt; therefore, it is recommended that documentation be submitted well in advance of any accommodation related needs. If you do not have documentation or need more information about documentation guidelines, please visit the Documentation Guidelines page on our website.

We recognize some students may not have access to documentation for a variety of reasons. Students who do not have documentation may still submit a request form and schedule a meeting. Requests for documentation will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

NOTE: Students who have readily observable disabilities (e.g. wheelchair user, white cane user, arm in sling) may not need to submit documentation. We ask that you contact the office via email at,  315-267-3267, or stop by the office, to schedule a meeting.

The Office of Accommodative Services Documentation Guidelines webpage outlines different types of documentation.  

Upload supporting document(s)
Voter Registration

The OAS is a voter registration site. Please refer to the NYS Board of Elections website for information on registering to vote. Do you require assistance with registering to vote?